While research in the field of Post-Traumatic Stress and Dissociative Disorders has intensified significantly over the past two decades, the resulting knowledge has been very slow in reaching the general public.  The society has held workshops in an effort to disseminate pertinent information to those in the community who are closely engaged in trauma work.

Left:  Presentation - American Psychiatric Association Conference on Personality Disorders, Klawe, P. 

Dissociative Identity Disorders - A Diagnostic Puzzle, Klawe, P.


Workshops at the Morrison Ranch strive to present trauma on various levels. Some listeners are best served with the theoretical traditional research presentation.  Others benefit more from personal testimonies.  In cases of advising Canadians who plan to care for International refugees, the society invites compatriots to lead in the discussions.

Anyone interested in a trauma workshop is invited to contact the society.